“Safe Spaces” makes a ton of arguments for LGBT in
our societies school system. The stories told in this article about the
troubles LGBT students go through are a tragedy. I personally would've
never thought our countries education system would let this happen to its
students. One story that particularly caught my attention is Patrick's
story about a student named Derek. Derek is a student that called one of
his classmates "gay". Patrick is the teacher that had to
intervene the situation. Patrick could've sent Derek to the principles
office, told him to stop, or simply have a talk with him after class.
Patrick went a different direction to fix the problem. He told his
students to pull out their dictionaries and look up the word "gay".
Then he told Derek to read the definition of "gay" to the class.
Once Derek read the definition, Patrick asked him if that was the
"proper" word he wanted to use? Derek replied with a no.
Then Patrick told him to use the appropriate language; after all he was
in school. Patrick could've handled the situation in a variety of ways.
If he handled it differently, it wouldn't change anything. Derek
will still call that student gay. Patrick's way put Derek on a pedestal,
it made Derek question his use of vocabulary and change his thinking of the
word gay. Students can't be told to stop cause they won't stop, they need to
question their judgment and in a way feel embarrassed about their actions.
Patrick’s method causes the students to question their actions and create
discussions, which makes students understand what they are talking about.
I consider this method to be the proper way to handle the situation.
Students tend to be more rebellious and speak their mind freely because
they think they know everything. In order to diminish this issue with
LGBT students, students have to understand LGBT.
"Good intentions are not enough; trying to see
all students as the same is not enough. Being a fair-minded individual is
not enough. We argue that educators must publicly commit to creating
classroom climates of inclusivity and respect with the pledged cooperation of
all students. Only then can we begin to create classrooms that are safe
for LGBT youth."
Our education system believes that they are doing
enough. Enough is never enough; it's simply an excuse to ignore the
problem at hand. What is wrong with having students understand more about
LGBT? What is wrong with students being LGBT? The answer is short and
simple. There is nothing wrong with being LGBT. We are all human and we
all go through life. My mom once told me that we all have the opportunity
to create our future and be treated fairly because we are all human.
There is nothing wrong with being LGBT, if only the education system can
accept the truth.
This is a video from More Equal Union, which is an
LGBT Civil Rights group. They created an album supporting equality of
every human being. The song "Your Time Has Come" is a great
song that states the fight for equality. Please enjoy the video.